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Expanding treatment for opioid use disorder in publicly funded primary care clinics: Exploratory evaluation of the NYC health + hospitals buprenorphine ECHO program

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment Aug 15, 2019

Tofighi B, et al. - Since primary care providers (PCPs) are offered training and support in managing opioid use disorder (OUD) by the NYC Health + Hospitals Buprenorphine Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) (H + H ECHO) program, researchers assessed PCPs located in 17 publicly-funded ambulatory care clinics to see if a 16-session video conferencing platform led by addiction medicine experts is can improve addiction knowledge, perceived self-effectiveness, and buprenorphine prescribing. The H + H ECHO hub team led the training sessions with a review of the agenda, then 15–30 minute didactic lectures led by experts, and finally a patient case presentation. Outcomes revealed project ECHO was efficacious in improving perceived self-efficacy in managing opioid use disorder. Minimal improvements were demonstrated by trainees in knowledge in following the training. For improving H + H ECHO, suggestions were trainings addressing stigma, administrative support, improved referrals to office-based opioid treatment, integration of non-physician staff (ie, case management, social work), and combining multimodal learning strategies (ie, podcasts, web-based modules) with videoconferencing. Findings support the feasibility of H + H ECHO among PCPs in publicly-funded clinics and improvements in self-efficacy.

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