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Expanding traditional tendon-based techniques with nerve transfers for the restoration of upper limb function in tetraplegia: A prospective case series

The Lancet Aug 22, 2019

van Zyl N, et al. - Via a prospective case series of 16 people (27 limbs) of any age with early (< 18 months postinjury) cervical spinal cord injury of motor level C5 and below, who had been referred to a single centre for upper extremity reanimation and were deemed suitable for nerve transfer, researchers assess the outcomes of nerve transfer surgery used for the reanimation of upper limb function in tetraplegia. Early nerve transfer surgery was concluded as a safe and efficient addition to surgical techniques for upper limb reanimation in tetraplegia. Nerve transfers can result in important functional improvement and can be successfully combined with tendon transfers to maximize functional advantages.
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