Exercise training and outcomes in hemodialysis patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis
American Journal of Nephrology Sep 03, 2019
Huang M, Lv A, Wang J, et al. - Researchers analyzed evidence from published randomized controlled trials to determine the influence of exercise training on single-pool Kt/V, blood pressure, and peak uptake oxygen among adults with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) undergoing hemodialysis (HD). The studies (20 trials with 677 participants) that assessed the impacts of no < 8 weeks’ exercise training on the physical fitness outcomes for adults with ESRD undergoing HD were included. They found that many exercise types provided improvements in aerobic capacity, walking capacity, and health-related quality of life totally. Based on the evidence gained, a benefit of aerobic exercise or combined exercise on physical conditions of the patients with ESRD undergoing HD is suggested if performed at least for 8 weeks to 12 months, 3 times weekly.
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