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Exercise therapy improves eGFR, and reduces blood pressure and BMI in non-dialysis CKD patients: Evidence from a meta-analysis

BMC Nephrology Nov 09, 2019

Zhang L, et al. - In this meta-analysis, a systematic assessment of the influences of exercise therapy on renal function, blood pressure, blood lipid and body mass index (BMI) in non-dialysis chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients was carried out. A previous protocol was followed to perform this analysis. Researchers explored Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane Library, and three major Chinese biomedical databases (CNKI, WANGFANG and VIP) till October 30, 2018, to select randomized controlled trials (RCTs) investigating the impacts of exercise therapy in non-dialysis CKD patients. A total of 13 RCTs including 421 patients with non-dialysis CKD were included. The consequences of exercise therapy included rise in estimated glomerular filtration rate and decrease in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and BMI, suggesting its benefit in non-dialysis CKD patients. In addition, a reduction in triglyceride could be brought about by the short-term intervention of exercise.
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