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Exercise capacity in children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia at school age

Respiratory Medicine Aug 07, 2020

Prenzel F, Vogel M, Siekmeyer W, et al. - Researchers evaluated exercise capacity, exercise habits, as well as lung function of preterm born children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) vs term born controls at school age. This study involved 42 children with BPD and 42 term born controls. The participants were compared in terms of cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) by cycle ergometer and pulmonary function test. Also, the evaluation of daily activity, engagement in sports and respiratory symptoms was done using questionnaire. Findings revealed the presence of airflow obstruction, a lower workload in CPET, and more respiratory symptoms associated with physical activity in children with BPD at school age vs term born controls. A functionally normal alveolar compartment was suggested by the comparable oxygen consumption based on weight.

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