Exercise capacity and association with quality of life in peritoneal dialysis patients
Peritoneal Dialysis International Jan 31, 2019
Uchiyama K, et al. - In this single-center cross-sectional observational study including 50 recruited peritoneal dialysis (PD) outpatients with age 63.8 ± 9.6 years, researchers assessed exercise capacity, its determinants, and its relation to health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among the participants. They assessed exercise capacity by incremental shuttle walking test (ISWT) and handgrip and quadriceps strength. Using the Kidney Disease Quality of Life-Short Form questionnaire, they evaluated HRQOL. Younger age and male sex were found to be significantly related to higher ISWT and handgrip and quadriceps strength in multivariate analysis. Handgrip and quadriceps strength were significantly predicted by skeletal mass index (SMI). Moreover, even after adjustment for age and sex, only ISWT was found to be strongly correlated with higher HRQOL scores, including physical, mental, and kidney-specific domains.
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