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Executive functions in binge spectrum eating disorders with comorbid compulsive buying

European Eating Disorders Review Aug 02, 2021

Munguía L, Lucas I, Jiménez-Murcia S, et al. - Researchers examined if bulimic spectrum disorders (BSD) patients, who also present comorbid compulsive buying (CB), could represent a specific subtype when neuropsychological performance is taken into account. In addition, they presented a descriptive analysis of different clinical features and examined the influence of these variables on treatment outcome. In this longitudinal study, women (N = 75) diagnosed with BSD, BSD + CB and Healthy Controls (HC) were assessed for cognitive flexibility, decision making, eating disorder (ED) symptomatology, psychopathological state and personality traits. Analysis revealed a worse clinical and neuropsychological profile of women with BSD + CB; this profile seems to be linked with the treatment outcome, which should be considered for establishing specific treatment approaches.

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