Examining the effect of fish oil supplementation in Chinese pregnant women on gestation duration and risk of preterm delivery
The Journal of Nutrition Aug 11, 2019
Olsen SF, Halldorsson TI, Li M, et al. - In this 3-group parallel randomized controlled trial performed in regions of China with low (median: 2.1 g/d) and higher (14.3 g/d) fish consumption, researchers investigated if and how 2 doses of supplemental long-chain (LC) n-3 PUFAs could influence gestation duration. At midgestation, they randomly allocated unselected women (median: age, 26.2 y; BMI, 20. kg/m2) to take four 0.72-g identical gelatin capsules per day, containing fish oil [high fish oil group (60% w/w LC n-3 PUFAs)], a 1:3 mixture of fish oil to olive oil [low fish oil group (20%)], or olive oil [control group (0%)], affording 2.0, 0.5, and 0 g/d of LC n-3 PUFAs, respectively. The participants were asked to continue taking these capsules until the last day of the preterm period (< 259 days of gestation). Possibly due to too low statistical power, this investigation did not substantiate that preterm birth in Chinese women can be prevented by fish oil supplementation.
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