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Evolving trends in the management of high-intermediate risk endometrial cancer in the United States

Gynecologic Oncology Mar 19, 2019

ZakemSJ, et al. - Investigators estimated 23,015 individuals to assess the standard of care for adjuvant therapy in those with high-intermediate risk (HIR) endometrial cancer. They observed a drop in the use of pelvic radiation therapy (RT) from 9.8% to 7.5% with an increase in the use of vaginal brachytherapy (VBT) with chemotherapy (VBT-C) from 4.6% to 7.7% between 2010 and 2015. They recorded that many candidates did not receive treatment per either arm of gynecologic oncology group protocol 249 (GOG 249), as observation was the most common approach, though percentage of cases treated with observation declined from 58.1% to 45.8% during this time period. VBT alone was utilized in 21.5% of patients in 2010, which grew to 30.3% by 2015.

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