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Evaluation of uterine patency following transcervical uterine fibroid ablation with the Sonata system (the open clinical trial)

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Sep 30, 2019

Bongers M, Quinn SD, Mueller MD, et al. - Researchers conducted this European postmarket prospective, multicenter, single-arm interventional trial including patients who chose treatment with the Sonata System for symptomatic fibroids and had at least 1 type 1, type 2 or type 2-5 myoma in order to assess the incidence of de novo uterine adhesions following transcervical fibroid ablation of symptomatic uterine fibroids with the Sonata® system. Fifty fibroids with a mean diameter of 3.4 ± 1.8 cm (range 1-8 cm) were ablated in 37 patients at a total of 6 sites. No intrauterine adhesiogenesis was observed posttreatment with the Sonata system. Results here suggest a minimal potential for adhesiogenesis following transcervical fibroid ablation, including in women with apposing submucous and/or transmural myomata.
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