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Evaluation of training program for the Maternal and Child health workforce at Tulane University

Maternal and Child Health Journal Jul 18, 2018

Brandt AJ, et al. - Considering lagging of the United States behind other countries in key Maternal and Child Health (MCH) indicators, the Division of MCH Workforce Development of HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau provides funding to schools of Public Health to support Centers of Excellence in MCH, which is focused on preparing the next generation of MCH leaders through specialized training and mentorship. Researchers evaluated the perceived effectiveness and acceptability of the Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health (CEMCH) leadership training program. Findings revealed an overall high level of program satisfaction by all stakeholders. For both former and current Scholars, mentorship and personal attention emerged as an important benefit. The program activities additionally provided an opportunity to gain real-world understanding of MCH work, although these activities also presented the most challenges. The program is generally not viewed as providing immediate organizational benefit, but recognized to provide the distal benefit of contributing to a well-trained MCH workforce.
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