Evaluation of the spine is critical in the workup of recurrent instability after total hip arthroplasty
The Bone & Joint Journal Jul 05, 2019
Vigdorchik J, et al. - Through prospectively collected data on 111 patients who underwent revision total hip arthroplasty (THA) for recurrent instability from January 2014 to January 2017 at two institutions, the researchers intended to determine the functional position of the spine, the importance of these findings, and how to address various pathologies at the time of revision THA. Survival free of dislocation at two years was 97% and 84% in the protocol group and in the control group. About 77% of the wrongly positioned acetabular components would have been undiscovered by supine AP pelvis imaging alone. Hence, a marked reduction in the risk of recurrent instability in comparison with a control group was exhibited via the Hip-Spine Classification System in revision THA. Also, 77% of inappropriately positioned acetabular components would not have been ascertained and inaccurate treatment could have been started, without such an algorithm.
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