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Evaluation of the medial stabilized knee design using data from national joint registries and current literature

Journal of Arthroplasty Mar 02, 2020

Cassar-Gheiti AJ, et al. - This study sought to examine the success and failure rate of the medial stabilized (MS) TKA design through national joint registries and the current literature. Researchers performed a comprehensive literature review using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses through PubMed and Medline databases. The international registries examined included the NJR, AOANJRR, LROI, NZJR, and MARCQI. For each MS implant, the revision rates and the cumulative revision rates are recorded separately. The detailed review distinguished 5 out of 12 registries and 25 out of 550 studies reporting on the survivorship of a MS TKA design. The medial stabilized TKA study has comparable outcomes to traditional TKA designs across several joint registries and 25 studies in the literature.
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