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Evaluation of the management of severe trauma kidney injury and long-term renal function in children

The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Jun 14, 2018

Overs C, et al. - In pediatric severe traumatic kidney injury grade IV and V at the trauma center of Grenoble Teaching Hospital, researchers evaluated the management and long-term renal function with DMSA scintigraphy. They recognized 21 children who were managed for a severe kidney trauma injury IV or V; 11 of them required a therapeutic procedure and one required a nephrectomy. An injured renal function was identified at 39.4% with the DMSA scintigraphy performed after at least 6 months from the trauma in 11 of 16 severe renal trauma IV analyzed, and 17% in 4 of 5 severe renal trauma V analyzed, which confirms the currently conservative management.
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