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Evaluation of surgeon and patient radiation exposure by imaging technology in patients undergoing thoracolumbar fusion: Systematic review of the literature

The Spine Journal Apr 13, 2019

Pennington Z, et al. - In the Systematic review, Researchers delineated data related to minimally invasive spine techniques [conventional fluoroscopy without navigation (0.26±0.38mSv), conventional fluoroscopy with pre-operative CT-based navigation (0.027±0.010mSv), intraoperative CT-based navigation (1.20±0.91mSv), and robot-assisted instrumentation (0.04±0.30mSv)] to quantify the technologies contributing in the lowest radiation exposure to both patient and surgeon. Following values were noted for fluoroscopy used per screw: conventional fluoroscopy without navigation (11.1±9.0 seconds), conventional fluoroscopy with navigation (7.20±3.93s), 3D fluoroscopy (16.2±9.6s), intraoperative CT-based navigation (19.96±17.09s), and robot-assistance (20.07±17.22s). They also recorded surgeon dose per screw, conventional fluoroscopy without navigation (6.0±7.9 × 10−3mSv), conventional fluoroscopy with navigation (1.8±2.5 × 10−3mSv), 3D Fluoroscopy (0.3±1.9 × 10−3mSv), intraoperative CT-based navigation (0±0mSv), and robot-assisted instrumentation (2.0±4.0 × 10−3mSv). Intraoperative CT-based (iCT) navigation with lowest radiation exposure to the surgeon at the cost of prolonged radiation exposure to the patient was concluded.
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