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Evaluation of proteins and cells that adsorb to dialysis membranes used in continuous hemodiafiltration: Comparison of AN69ST, polymethylmethacrylate, and polysulfone membranes

Blood Purification Jul 31, 2019

Michikoshi J, Matsumoto S, Miyawaki H, et al. - Among patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy in the ICU of the Kokura Memorial Hospital, researchers assessed features of polysulfone (PS), polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), and polyacrylonitrile (AN69ST) membranes via a detailed analysis. They also focused on the variations in the adsorption of proteins and blood cells by membrane material. A higher capacity to remove activated white blood cells was displayed by AN69ST membranes vs PS and PMMA membranes. Moreover, findings revealed apparent differences in the types of proteins that adsorbed to each type of membrane. Clinical outcomes could be influenced by these variations in membrane properties. The amount of proteins adsorbed to AN69ST membranes vs PS and PMMA membranes was significantly more. Chemokines were especially prevalent among adsorbed proteins for all 3 membranes.
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