Evaluation of early resin luting cement damage induced by voids around a circular fiber post in a root canal treated premolar by integrating micro-CT, finite element analysis and fatigue testing
Dental Materials May 24, 2018
Chang YH, et al. - Experts used micro-CT image combined with finite element (FE) analysis and in vitro fatigue testing to evaluate the mechanical behaviour related with an early resin luting cement damage induced by voids around a circular fibre post in a root canal treated premolar. In order to understand the early de-bonding mechanism at the luting cement layer in a root canal treated premolar, micro-CT, FE simulation and fatigue testing could be integrated. Findings suggested that when voids occur in the apical and peri-apical areas of fibre posts, attention ought to be paid to resin luting cement dissolving/debonding easier.
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