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Evaluation of changes in intraocular pressure with a noncontact tonometer in healthy volunteers

Clinical Ophthalmology Nov 03, 2020

Maeda F, Yaoeda K, Tatara S, et al. - This is the first study simultaneously assessing intrasession and intersession fluctuations in intraocular pressure using noncontact tonometer for healthy eyes. For 5 consecutive days, a noncontact tonometer was used to measure intraocular pressure in the bilateral eyes of healthy individuals. Participants in the study were 40 healthy individuals (80 eyes). The one-way repeated-measures analysis of variance showed that intraocular pressure in the left eye was significantly lower on day 1 than on days 2 to 5. However, there were no significant variations among intraocular pressures measured on days 1 to 5 in the right eye. Although the measurements were relatively stable using the noncontact tonometer, intraocular pressure was high on day 1.

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