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Evaluation of BMI metrics to assess change in adiposity in children with overweight and moderate and severe obesity

Obesity Jul 10, 2020

Barlow SE, Salahuddin M, Durand C, et al. - Researchers conducted this investigation to explore the link between change in different BMI metrics and change in adiposity over a 12‐month weight management intervention. Baseline and 12‐month weights and heights were used to measure BMI, %BMIp95, %BMIp50, BMI z‐score (BMI), and modified BMI z‐score (BMIm) from 399 children aged 2 to 12 years with BMI ≥ 85th percentile. In total, 89% of the cohort was Hispanic, and 34% had class 2 or 3 obesity. Longitudinal analyses show the usefulness of several BMI metrics other than z‐score in consistently capturing adiposity change over a range of obesity severity. The characteristics and interpretability of studied groups may influence the metric choice.

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