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Evaluation of a simple risk score to predict preterm preeclampsia using maternal characteristics: A prospective cohort study

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mar 03, 2019

Sovio U, et al. - Researchers performed this prospective cohort study to develop a simple risk score for preterm preeclampsia based on the model used in the ASPRE trial. In addition, they compared this score with the original ASPRE algorithm, with the NICE Guideline score, and with and without biochemical and ultrasonic predictors. Among 4,184 nulliparous women from the Pregnancy Outcome Prediction study, the score exhibited higher specificity than the NICE Guideline criteria. They noted an independent association of mean arterial pressure at booking and 20-week uterine artery Doppler with preterm preeclampsia and the latter was identified modestly increasing the area under the ROC curve (by ~0.02). These findings support the clinical utility of this risk score for prediction of the risk of preterm preeclampsia.
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