Evaluating the use of natural cycle endometrial receptivity array prior to embryo transfer
Fertility and Sterility Apr 12, 2019
Vaughn SJ, et al. - The clinical outcomes of natural cycle frozen embryo transfer (NC-FET) after natural cycle-endometrial receptivity array (NC-ERA) were described. Further, patients who had a receptive ERA were compared to those who had a non-receptive endometrial receptivity array (ERA) and thus underwent a subsequent personalized ET (pET). Between January 2015 and November 2018, researchers identified 36 patients who underwent NC-ERA testing; 24 patients with a receptive ERA result (66.7%) while 12 with a non-receptive ERA result on their first ERA (33.3%). After pET, results achieved in patients with an initial non-receptive NC-ERA were similar to those with a receptive ERA. However, the independent negative prognostic value of a history of multiple failed transfers remains in these patients. Only a few studies have addressed the use of NC-ERA, including this work.
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