Evaluating the feasibility of a nurse-led self-management support intervention for kidney transplant recipients: A pilot study
BMC Nephrology May 02, 2019
Been-Dahmen JMJ, et al. - Researchers assessed a nurse-led self-management support intervention for kidney transplant recipients, focusing on its feasibility, acceptability and fidelity among the recipients and professionals. They also examined its preliminary impacts on outcomes. The development of self-regulation skills which are applicable to self-management of the illness was supported among participants using strategies such as goal setting, action planning, and promotion of motivation and self-efficacy. They found that the observed feasibility and acceptability of this holistic nurse-led self-management support intervention was alike among professionals and recipients. The intervention group exhibited a significantly higher medication adherence in between-groups analysis, as well as showed a significantly higher perceived quality of care in the within-groups analysis.
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