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Evaluating outcomes following open fractures of the distal radius

The Journal of Hand Surgery Oct 19, 2019

Harper CM, et al. - A retrospective review of all open fractures of the distal radius at a single level 1 trauma center over a 10-year period was conducted in order to contrast short-term complication rates between different treatment options after open fractures of the distal radius. Ninety individuals met the inclusion criteria for assessment. With 61 fractures Gustilo I, 19 Gustilo II, and 10 Gustilo III, an even distribution was observed between high-energy (n = 45) and low-energy (n = 45) injuries. Most of the fractures were intra-articular in nature (n = 48 AO type C vs n = 42 AO type A/B). A total of 33 complications were seen, of which 24 were major and 9 minor. The only variables exhibited to relate to an enhanced rate of complications were mechanism of injury and type of treatment. In conclusion, in comparison with other forms of treatment, open fractures of the distal radius treated by immediate open reduction internal fixation at the time of index debridement could lead to contented results.
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