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Evaluating a new international risk-prediction tool in IgA nephropathy

JAMA Jul 08, 2019

Barbour SJ, et al. - Using clinical and histologic risk factors that are readily available in clinical practice, authors sought to develop and externally validate a prediction model for disease progression in IgA nephropathy (IgAN) that can be applied at the time of kidney biopsy in multiple ethnic groups worldwide. Two prediction models, which included estimated glomerular filtration rate, blood pressure, and proteinuria as well as the MEST histologic score, age, medication use, and either racial/ethnic characteristics (white, Japanese, or Chinese) or no racial/ethnic characteristics, were developed and externally validated enrolling large international multiethnic cohorts including 3927 patients. Compared to clinical measures, both models were superior for prediction of kidney disease progression and patient risk stratification. As per findings the 2 prediction models may assist clinicians to improve management and treatment of IgA nephropathy in multi-ethnic cohorts and may help international researchers in trial recruitment.
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