Ethnic differences in risk of hip fracture in Norway: A NOREPOS study
Osteoporosis International Apr 10, 2020
Aamodt A, et al. - The present study was undertaken to explore variations in risk of hip fracture between ethnic groups living in Norway. Researchers compared individuals in the Norwegian Population and Housing Census performed in 2001 and a database consisting of all hip fractures in Norway in the period 2001–2013. This study analyzed residents (n = 1,392,949) between 50 and 89 years and born in nine different geographical regions of the world, and age-standardized incidence rates for the different geographic regions—denoted ethnic groups in the paper were estimated. They applied gender-stratified Cox regression analysis, adjusted for age, to model risk of hip fracture as a function of region of birth. Compared to the Norwegian-born majority population, lower risk of hip fracture was noted in all immigrant groups.
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