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Ethnic differences in antepartum glucose values that predict postpartum dysglycemia and neonatal macrosomia

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Apr 10, 2018

Ajala O, et al. - The ability of a gestational diabetes screening test (GDS), the 2hour 75gram-Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT), and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in predicting postpartum dysglycemia and fetal macrosomia was investigated in women of Caucasian, Filipino, Chinese and South-Asian descent. Patients with postpartum dysglycemia were more frequently observed to be non-Caucasian (South-Asian>Filipino>Chinese), have higher antepartum glucose values, require insulin during pregnancy and have cesarean births. Findings suggested the influence of ethnicity on the ability of antepartum glucose and HbA1c to predict the risk of macrosomia and postpartum dysglycemia.
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