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Estimation of prevalence of kidney disease treated with dialysis in China: A study of insurance claims data

American Journal of Kidney Diseases Jan 10, 2021

Yang C, Yang Z, Wang J, et al. - Researchers performed a cross-sectional analysis of insurance claims to estimate the prevalence of patients undergoing dialysis in China as well as to predict the trend in order to offer evidence for creating prophylactic strategies. They reported a rise in the age-and gender-standardized prevalence of dialysis patients, from 255.11 per million population (PMP) in 2013 to 419.39 PMP in 2017. The estimated age- and gender-standardized prevalence of hemodialysis was 384.41 PMP and that of peritoneal dialysis was 34.98 PMP in 2017, and the total number of dialysis patients in China was 581,273. Overall, findings revealed an increase in the prevalence of kidney disease managed with dialysis between 2013 and 2017 in China and as predicted, the prevalence is going to rise further through 2025. These data underscore the importance of prophylactic and control strategies to attenuate the escalating burden of renal failure.

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