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Estimating the public health impact of a national guideline on cervical cancer screening: An audit study of a program in Campinas, Brazil

BMC Public Health Nov 15, 2019

Vale DB, et al. - In this audit study, researchers aimed at confirming the changes in screening indicators around 2011, the time period when a Brazilian guideline on cervical cancer screening was released. All screening tests conducted by the public health system of Campinas city from 2010 to 2016 were analyzed. Absolute tests numbers, excess tests, intervals and outcomes, by age, were considered as the variables. In 2010 and in 2016, overall 62,925 and 43,523 tests were performed, respectively, a tendency at a reduction. The range for tests done on women under 25 was from 20.2 to 15.4% in the period, while it ranged from 75.1 to 80.2% in the 25–64 years age-group. Overall, a significant decline was observed in the proportion of cervical cancer screening tests performed out of the recommendation in the period. An inclination to align cervical cancer screening in Campinas with the standards advised was suggested by this.
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