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Estimating shortages in capacity to deliver continuous kidney replacement therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States

American Journal of Kidney Diseases Jul 30, 2020

Reddy YNV, Walensky RP, Mendu ML, et al. - Given that shortages in continuous kidney replacement (CKRT) capacity, for critically ill patients suffering from acute kidney injury stage 3 needing dialysis, were faced by New York during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, therefore, researchers estimated CKRT demand as well as capacity during the initial wave of the US COVID-19 pandemic in order to inform planning for current and future crises. Base-case model assumptions suggested a nationwide CKRT capacity of 7,032 machines, an estimated shortage of 1,088 machines, and shortages in 6 states at peak resource use. Overall, during the COVID-19 pandemic, several US states could face CKRT shortages. Consideration should be given to strategies such as the establishment of an inpatient RRT national registry and a national stockpile to bolster state capacity, to reduce CKRT shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic and future health care crises.

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