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Estimates of donated sperm use in the United States: National Survey of Family Growth 1995-2017

Fertility and Sterility Aug 03, 2019

Arocho R, et al. - Using nationally representative data, researchers sought to produce national estimates of donor insemination (DI) use in the United States. In addition, a description of the population of users was determined. US women of childbearing age (15–44 years) sampled for interview in the National Survey of Family Growth were included as participants. In 1995, DI using donor or mixed sperm was reported in 170,701 women. In 2015-2017, its use was reported in 440,986 women. Changes in the DI use were thus reported over time, from a decrease between 1995 and 2013 to a precipitous growth from 2015 to 2017. The DI use was mostly reported in those who were white, urban, older, college-educated, and had high family incomes.
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