Estimated quality of life and economic outcomes associated with 12 cervical cancer screening strategies: A cost-effectiveness analysis
JAMA Jul 08, 2019
Sawaya GF, et al. - As there are many cervical cancer screening strategies that are now recommended in the United States, researchers sought to determine the cost-efficacy of 12 cervical cancer screening strategies. They measured utilities (preferences) in a sociodemographically diverse group of 451 women (mean [SD] age, 38.2 [10.7] years; 258 nonwhite [57.2%]). Using a cost-effectiveness model, they identified that a reasonable balance of benefits, harms, and costs from both a societal and health care sector perspective could be achieved with cytologic testing every 3 years for women aged 21 to 29 years with either continued triennial cytologic testing or switching to a low-cost high-risk human papillomavirus test every 5 years from age 30 to 65 years.
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