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Estimated quality of life and economic outcomes associated with 12 cervical cancer screening strategies: A cost-effectiveness analysis

JAMA May 20, 2019

Sawaya GF, et al. - The cross-sectional portion of this study estimated the cost-effectiveness of twelve cervical cancer screening strategies. From September 22, 2014, to June 16, 2016, a convenience sample of 451 English-speaking or Spanish-speaking women (aged 21 to 65) identified at San Francisco women's health clinics were recruited. Data reported that cytologic testing with repeated cytologic testing for atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance every three years yielded the most life-long quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) and conferred more QALYs at higher costs ($2166 per QALY) than the lowest cost strategy. Investigators found that cytologic testing every three years for women between the ages of 21 and 29 with either continuous cytologic testing every three years or switching to low-cost high-risk human papillomavirus test every five years provides a reasonable balance of benefits, harms and costs. Comparative modeling is required to confirm the cost-effectiveness association of these novel utilities.
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