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Estimated glomerular filtration rate decline and incident frailty in older adults

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Oct 24, 2019

Guerville F, et al. - Researchers used Cox models to determine if there can be a link between a fast decline in eGFR and incident frailty in this secondary analysis of the 5-year Multidomain Alzheimer Preventive Trial, involving community dwellers, aged ≥ 70. They used CKD–Epidemiology Collaboration equation to calculate eGFR at baseline and at 6, 12, and 24 months. Suitable follow-up data were available for 833 participants, who were frail neither at baseline nor at 2 years. Median (IQR) baseline eGFR was estimated to be 73 (61–84) ml/min per 1.73 m2. The occurrence of frailty was noted in 95 (11%) participants between 24 and 60 months. Findings revealed a link between a fast eGFR decline and incident frailty among community-dwelling older adults having relatively preserved baseline eGFR.
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