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Estimated glomerular filtration rate bias in participants with severe obesity regardless of deindexation

Obesity Oct 07, 2019

Guebre-Egziabher F, Brunelle C, Thomas J, et al. - Using a large cohort of patients with severe and morbid obesity, researchers evaluated the performance of eGFR or dein-dexed eGFR vs a gold standard reference technique (inulin or iohexol clearance) when adjusted (mGFRr) or nonadjusted (mGFR) to BSA and assessed the specific impact of associated comorbidities (age, sex, BMI, diabetes, and hypertension) in the estimation of GFR. A total of 706 measured GFR (mGFR) results from 598 obesity participants (BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2) were obtained retrospectively. According to findings, mean mGFRr (58 ± 31 mL/min/1.73 m2) varied significantly from Chronic Kidney Disease-Epidemiology (CKD-EPI) and Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD). eGFR exhibited important biases and low accuracies for CKD-EPI and MDRD. eGFR overestimates mGFR and is linked to significant prejudices and inaccuracies in severe obesity patients, and deindexing eGFR worsens the overestimation. Such results may have significant implications for patients with obesity in investigating kidney function.
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