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Estimated glomerular filtration rate at dialysis initiation and subsequent decline in residual kidney function among incident hemodialysis patients

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation May 14, 2020

Lertdumrongluk P, Tantisattamo E, Obi Y, et al. - Researchers analyzed a cohort including 4,911 incident hemodialysis (HD) patients who started HD over a 5-year span (July 2001 to June 2006), to determine whether earlier dialysis initiation was related to a faster reduction in residual kidney function (RKF), which is also related to higher death in these patients. Among participants, experts analyzed the trajectories of RKF, determined by renal urea clearance, over 2 years post-HD start across strata of estimated glomerular filtration rate at HD initiation employing case-mix adjusted linear mixed-effect models. Findings revealed that faster reduction of RKF occurred with earlier dialysis start and was related to higher all-cause mortality.

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