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Establishing clinically significant outcomes for PROMIS following biceps tenodesis

Arthroscopy Jan 20, 2021

Forlenza EM, Lu Y, Cohn MR, et al. - This study was intended to develop thresholds for improvement in patient-reported outcome scores that correspond with clinically significant outcomes (CSOs) including the minimal clinically important difference (MCID), substantial clinical benefit (SCB), and patient acceptable symptomatic state (PASS) for Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Upper Extremity (UE) Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) and Pain Interference (PIF) CAT after biceps tenodesis (BT) and to evaluate patient variables that are associated with achieving these outcomes. After IRB approval, between December 2017 and August 2019, researchers queried a prospectively maintained institutional database for patients undergoing BT. The analysis included a total of 112 patients (86.8% follow-up) who had undergone BT. The data exhibited that individuals with higher preoperative UE scores were less likely to achieve MCID, while patients with higher preoperative PIF scores were less likely to achieve absolute SCB and PASS. It was shown that the majority of patients achieved the MCID for PIF CAT and UE CAT at final follow-up. Male gender and regular exercise positively predicted CSO achievement while preoperative opioid use, depression, and living alone were negative predictors of CSO achievement.

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