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Epiretinal membrane vitrectomy: Outcomes with or without cataract surgery and a novel prognostic factor for cystoid macular edema

Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Jan 29, 2021

Silva N, Ferreira A, Marques JH, et al. - In the present study, the researchers sought to evaluate the outcomes of vitrectomy with or without cataract surgery for the treatment of idiopathic ERM in phakic eyes and assess the predictors of functional and anatomical outcomes. A retrospective cohort of consecutive phakic ERM eyes, divided into three groups: the combined (phacovitrectomy) group, the PPV-only group, and the consecutive group (PPV followed by cataract surgery). In total, 108 eyes were involved in this investigation. In conjunction with cataract surgery, functional and anatomical results of PPV with ERM and ILM peeling were similar to the consecutive treatment, with both strategies being successful. In these patients, the separate ERM-ILM complex has prognostic importance, as its baseline presence was found to be protective for postoperative CME.

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