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Epigenetic clock measuring age acceleration via DNA methylation levels in blood is associated with decreased oocyte yield

Fertility and Sterility Apr 12, 2019

Monseur B, et al. - Evaluation of 38 women undergoing ovarian stimulation and embryo cryopreservation, inclusive of all infertility diagnoses and ovum donation, was done to ascertain how DNA methylation levels in blood (DNAmAge) are correlated to chronological age in this patient population. Further, researchers determined the correlation of DNAmAge, specifically age acceleration, with ovarian response as measured by oocyte yield. The studied population had the mean chronological age of 38.0 (SD=4.5) and mean DNAmAge of 39.2 (SD=6.2). Outcomes revealed the presence of a correlation of DNAmAge with chronologic age and ovarian response as measured by oocyte yield. A lower anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) and lower oocyte yield were noted in correlation with age acceleration. Results confirm the potential value of DNAmAge, specifically age acceleration, as an epigenetic biomarker to enhance the ability of predictive models assessing ovarian response.
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