Epidemiology of eye injuries resulting in hospitalization, a referral hospital-based study
Clinical Ophthalmology Jan 13, 2020
Choovuthayakorn J, Worakriangkrai V, Patikulsila D, et al. - Via performing a retrospectively review of the medical records of patients who sustained an eye injury and were admitted to the Department of Ophthalmology, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, from February 2015 to February 2016, researchers sought for the features of hospitalized eye injuries in Northern Thailand. Inclusion of a total of 249 injured patients was done; of these 227 (91.2%) were male. Most injuries happened in the workplace (149/249, 59.8%). They identified the opened globe and closed globe injuries in nearly similar proportions, 121/249 (48.6%) patients and 109/249 (43.8%) patients. Eyelid/adnexal and chemical injury was reported in a small proportion, 19/249 (7.6%) patients. The most prevalent conditions for opened globe injury were corneal penetration (52/249, 20.9%) and intraocular foreign body (37/249 14.9%). The common conditions for closed globe injury were traumatic lens subluxation/dislocation (31/249, 12.4%) and a traumatic corneal ulcer (25/249, 10.1%). In closed globe injury, they observed a delayed presentation to the hospital. A better final visual acuity was reported in the eyelid/adnexal injury group vs the opened and closed globe injury group. Findings suggest applying different strategies to prevent visual impairments and disabilities in specific high-risk groups as different age groups vary in activities related to hospitalized eye injuries, especially adults at the workplace, and children at the playground.
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