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Epidemiological characteristics and associated factors of acute hepatitis A outbreak among HIV-coinfected men who have sex with men in Taiwan, June 2015-December 2016

Journal of Viral Hepatitis Jun 29, 2018

Cheng CY, et al. - Considering the outbreak of acute hepatitis A (AHA) infection In Taiwan since June 2015 and that approximately half of the cases occurred in HIV-infected men who have sex with men (MSM), researchers determined the incidence of AHA during 2011-2016 using the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (TCDC)-operated National Disease Surveillance Systems (NDSS). Previous gonorrhoea and recent or remote syphilis report were noted to be independently associated with AHA. Observation revealed that HIV/AHA cases were centralized in northern and central metropolitan areas and HIV-infected MSM with a recent history of sexually transmitted diseases in Taiwan. Surveillance of associated behavioural and virologic characteristics and HAV counselling and testing for HIV-infected men were recommended.
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