Eosinophil count and mortality risk in incident hemodialysis patients
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Feb 16, 2020
Kang DH, Lee Y, Kleine CE, et al. - Researchers assessed mortality in hemodialysis (HD) patients in correlation with eosinophil count (EOC) and its changes in these individuals. They used Cox proportional hazards models for this purpose. Participants were 107,506 incident HD patients managed by a large dialysis organization during 2007–11. Baseline median EOC was 231 cells/μL and 23.4% of patients had eosinophilia (> 350 cells/μL). In patients with lower baseline and time-varying EOC (< 100 cells/μL), the highest death risk was shown in fully adjusted models, as well as slightly higher mortality risk was noted in patients with higher levels (≥ 550 cells/μL), giving rise to a reverse J-shaped link. In incident HD patients, higher all-cause mortality was observed in relation to both lower and higher EOCs and alterations in EOC over the first 3 months following HD initiation.
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