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Enhanced smoking cessation support for newly abstinent smokers discharged from hospital (The Hospital to Home trial): A randomized controlled trial

Addiction Jul 03, 2019

Thorley R, et al. - Given the recommendation for providing pharmacotherapy combined with behavioral support to all smokers admitted to hospital by the United Kingdom's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidance (NICE PH48), researchers examined the effects of the addition of home support for newly-abstinent smokers to conventional NICE-recommended support in smokers discharged from hospital. In this individually-randomized parallel group trial, 404 smokers aged >18 were randomized in equal numbers to eithe the intervention group, who received 12 weeks of at-home cessation support which included help in maintaining a smoke-free home, help in accessing and using medication, further behavioral support and personalized feedback on home air quality; or the comparator group who received NICE PH48 care as usual. Results suggest that a home visit and continued support intended to prevent relapse to smoking after hospital discharge vs usual care did not lead to superior results in terms of an increase in subsequent abstinence rate.

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