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Endovascular thrombectomy as a means to improve survival in acute ischemic stroke: A meta-analysis

JAMA Jul 13, 2019

Lin Y, et al. - Via a meta-analysis of all randomized clinical trials of endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) vs medical therapy mentioned in the 2018 American Stroke Association/American Heart Association guidelines for acute ischemic stroke, researchers intended to recognize guideline-relevant trials of EVT vs medical therapy reporting 90-day mortality. In comparison with medical therapy, EVT markedly lowered the risk for 90-day mortality by 3.7%, in 10 trials with 2,313 patients. Comparable trends in early-window and late-window trials only were observed. No variation in the risk for intracranial hemorrhage with EVT vs medical therapy was noted. This meta-analysis displayed significant advantages for survival during the first 90 days following acute ischemic stroke vs medical therapy alone.

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