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Endosteal vasculature dominates along the tibial cortical diaphysis: A quantitative magnetic resonance imaging analysis

Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Dec 04, 2020

Levack AE, Klinger C, Gadinsky NE, et al. - This study was undertaken to investigate the relative contribution of the endosteal supply to the tibial diaphysis. Researchers cannulated the superficial femoral artery of 8 fresh frozen cadaveric matched pair lower extremities. They conducted pregadolinium and postgadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging with high resolution fat-suppressed ultrashort echo time magnetic resonance imaging sequences. They evaluated perfusion in 3 zones (outer, central, and inner cortex) for the proximal, middle, and distal diaphysis, respectively, applying custom software to evaluate and compare signal intensity between experimental and control limbs. Results revealed a predominance of endosteal blood supply to all areas (inner, middle, and outer thirds) of the tibial diaphyseal cortex in this quantitative study. The findings considered that surgeons should take care to preserve the remaining periosteal vascular network in fracture patterns for the prevention of delayed bone healing, in which the nutrient artery has likely been disrupted.

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