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Endostatin is an independent risk factor of graft loss after kidney transplant

American Journal of Nephrology Apr 25, 2020

Chu C, Hasan AA, Gaballa MMS, et al. - Researchers analyzed 574 maintenance kidney transplant recipients (KTRs) in this prospective observational cohort study, to determine how graft loss level in KTRs is impacted by endostatin (a 20-kDa C-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII, recognized as inhibitor of the proliferation of capillary endothelial cells). A median follow-up of 48 months was performed for kidney graft loss and all-cause mortality. There were overall 574 patients, of those, 37 encountered graft loss, and 62 died. Based on receiver operating characteristics analysis, the optimal cut-off value of endostatin for graft loss was estimated to be 147.3 pmol/L. Findings revealed an independent link of increased serum endostatin at baseline with the risk of graft loss in KTRs.

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