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Endophthalmitis incidence of cancer patients after cataract surgery: A nationwide matched cohort study in Taiwan

American Journal of Ophthalmology Feb 25, 2019

Hou CH, et al. - Between 1998 and 2012 in the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database, authors estimated 23,362 cases each in the cancer cohort as well as in the matched noncancer cohort to compare the incidence rate of endophthalmitis after cataract surgery between the 2 cohorts. After the cancer diagnosis, the mean duration of receiving cataract surgery was 4.3 years whereas 8-9 months, the mean duration between 2 cataract surgeries. They noted similar rates of endophthalmitis within 3 months after cataract surgery between the 2 study groups ie, 2.4% for the cancer group and 2.3% for the noncancer group.
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