Emotional and behavioral problems in children and adolescents with lower urinary tract dysfunction: A population-based study
Journal of Pediatric Urology Sep 05, 2019
Douradoa ER, de Abreua GE, Santana JC, et al. - Through a multicenter, cross-sectional, population-based study carried out in public places, researchers evaluated whether emotional and behavioral problems were more prevalent in children and adolescents (n = 806) with lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD). Of the children with LUTD, 40.5% screened positive for emotional/behavioral problems, with an important correlation being discovered for the overall Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) scale and for the emotional problems, conduct problems, and hyperactivity subscales. In the overall SDQ score, urinary urgency, urinary incontinence, and voiding postponement were significantly related to a higher prevalence of abnormalities. Both in the overall SDQ scale and in the subscales, bladder and bowel dysfunction was an aggravator of emotional and behavioral problems, with more intense symptoms. The factors independently correlated with the presence of emotional and behavioral problems were LUTD, constipation, studying in a government-funded school, and poor education of the head of the family. Thus, with bladder and bowel dysfunction being an agitating factor for this relationship, children and adolescents with LUTD have more emotional and behavioral problems.
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