Embryoscopy and karyotype findings of repeated miscarriages in recurrent pregnancy loss and spontaneous pregnancy loss
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics Jun 21, 2018
Feichtinger M, et al. - Researchers aimed at determining the cytogenetic and embryoscopic characteristics in subsequent miscarriages of spontaneous pregnancy losses (SPL) and recurrent pregnancy losses (RPL) in this retrospective cohort of 75 women affected by repeated pregnancy loss. Among these patients, 34 had SPL, 24 primary RPL, and 17 secondary RPL. In all groups, they observed high rates of recurrent normal/abnormal karyotypes with a majority of embryos presenting with recurrent abnormal morphology. Compared to primary RPL, secondary RPL exhibited significantly recurrent abnormal morphology more frequently. Findings seem to be beneficial in providing prognostic information for the affected patient and might impact treatment choice.
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