LINC00311 is overexpressed in ankylosing spondylitis and predict treatment outcomes and recurrence
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Jun 13, 2019
Zhong H, et al. - Via the present study in ankylosing spondilitis (AS) patients, the researchers sought to determine the LncRNA LINC00311 participation in osteoporosis, showing inverse pathological changes to AS, indicating LINC00311 involvement in AS. The LINC00311 was upregulated in AS patients compared to healthy controls, and upregulation of LINC00311 distinguished AS patients from healthy controls was found. Positive correlation among LINC00311 expression levels with disease activity were noticed. LINC00311 expression level decreased significantly post treatment, when compared to pre-treatment levels. Patients with high levels of LINC00311 showed a crucially higher rate of rehospitalization during 2-year follow-up. Therefore, the authors concluded overexpression of LINC00311 in AS and prediction of treatment outcomes and recurrence.
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