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Aquaporin 11 rs2276415 variant and progression of chronic kidney disease

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Jul 19, 2018

Han B, et al. - In a population-based study in China, researchers examined the association between the Aquaporin 11 (AQP11) rs2276415 variant and the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression among 620 participants with CKD (Stages 2–5 and who were not receiving dialysis) with follow-up for 3 years. By AQP11 genotypes, they assessed incident CKD progression, which was defined as an increase in creatinine levels of at least 0.4 mg/dL (35 μmol/L) above baseline or maintenance dialysis initiation or transplantation. Findings revealed that CKD progression was predicted by the AQP11 rs2276415 variant, independent of traditional risk factors.
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